We Help Marketing Bear Fruit.
We have a formula for effective marketing and web design: take the New Zealand spirit that originated bungy jumping, add some of Silicon Valley's reputation for continuous reinvention, then a dash of Lancaster County values and common sense. We think the results are powerful. We know you will too.
Data-Driven Marketing
We’re fanatics about picking methods and tactics that make the best possible use of your funds while achieving solid results. Our team brings a combination of creativity and data-driven decision making to every project. We're just as comfortable generating concepts for a campaign as we are digging into analytics to find out if something really worked. When we do both at the same time, and tie the data back to your business, the results are powerful.
Social Media
Is Social Media Right For Your Business?
Social media is part of the fundamental shift from one-way to two-way communications between consumers and producers. Used properly, it can save you time, money, and create closer, stronger relationships with those who matter in your business life. That’s why you need a strategy, and a Social Media Company…
Web Design
Teach Your Old Website Some New Tricks
Well-executed website design is the centerpiece of a compelling online presence. What we offer is simple: Clean, attractive, highly functional, and fully search engine optimized websites that do what every website should do, promote your organization visibly and cost effectively…
Local SEO
A great website no one can see in the search engines is like a beautiful cabin in the woods – without roads, power, or phone lines. No one knows where to find you, and no one gets to see your cabin site, visit you, look around a bit, and leave money in your mailbox…
Online Advertising
Paid online advertising can be one of the most effective ways to quickly get visitors to your website, Facebook page, or other online destination. Done correctly, with the right targeting, keywords, and design, at the right times, to the right audience, on the right platforms, Pay-per-click (PPC), retargeting, and other well-run display advertising campaigns can generate a solid ROI and lower your customer acquisition costs…
Content & Copy
Persuasive content has stood the test of time. The more effectively that writing uncovers needs and grabs your prospects, giving them what they want and boosting your benefits, the better the letter/webpage/advertisement converts…translation: makes money.
Our Approach
Marketing is getting tougher. People’s attention spans are getting shorter as they attempt to deal with more messaging in a day than their grandparents experienced in a month.
Our job is to cut through the noise for you, to make YOUR message heard. We also help you select the right tools and platforms that save you time and money. Rather than spending the time yourself to sift through hundreds of options, taking away time from your business and core activities, call a Kiwi. We're a marketing and web design company based in Lancaster, PA, with clients all over the world.